# Update Notes
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🏋 New Preflop Trainer, 🌈 Colors system update
11 Jan, 2023
The classic preflop training mode with the table is now available!
You can now start training any range in 1 click right from the Editor. Here you can also set the coverage of dealing cards to avoid frequent easy-fold decisions.
We've made an update of the Colors system in Editor as well. Now all the mixed colors are created separately, and there is no need to assign a description to them.
There was also a significant server performance improve. We use the latest technologies and do our best to make the app work quickly and smoothly even with slow internet.
📝 Notes for ranges, 🎨 Preset colors, and more!
29 Oct, 2022
From now it's possible to take notes on your ranges in Editor. Click on the note icon below the range matrix to write a note. The note icon will have a purple indicator if the current range has a note.
Now you can also customize preset colors for quick use when creating ranges.
We also improved cloning, copying, exporting and importing ranges. Check out the full update review:
Preflop Trainer. Design update.
14 Aug, 2022
The new Range Trainer module is finally live! Now you can practice your strategy in our app. Trainer is fully available on a free version.
We also made a general design update. We've removed the distracting purple stripe at the top and made a lot of other minor tweaks. We hope this will make the app even more enjoyable and efficient.
Range Store
24 Mar, 2022
A new big module has just been released: now you can buy ready-made preflop packages from different authors. You can also publish your own range pack and monetize your work.
At start, we have just 4 packages including the range pack from PokerStars NL200 top winner G.Andrei95. More packs from great players and schools coming!
Quick Share feature
7 Jan, 2022
Now you can easily share any range in image format. Just click on the camera icon below the range, and the image URL will be instantly copied to a clipboard.
Use this feature to quickly share your preflop ranges on messengers or forums.